[HK-Movie] For Bad Boys Only (2000)

The film follows the misadventures of ‘The Bad Boy Squad’ – a detective agency that specializes in finding lost loves. The agency is staffed by a trio of hip poseurs: King Chan is the Casanova of the team as he divides time between cases and the more important task of the endless amount of women he meets; Jack Sham is the more brooding member of the team and his own goal is to find that elusive ‘perfect’ woman he’s always searched for; completing the gang is King’s sister Queen, a hippychick helper who has a secret love for Jack.

The Bad Boy Squad are asked by a young artist to find his lost love Shadow who seemingly disappeared from the hair salon she worked in. This straight-forward case soon becomes more and more intriguing for the trio as they are then asked to find a once famous Asian athlete who looks exactly like Shadow.

Another twist comes when King meets and subsequently saves an unusual young woman called Eleven who again looks like the missing Shadow. King also begins to wonder why the beautiful Eleven has the apparent mental age of a child as she questions the simplest and most basic things he asks. All is revealed when a scarred Shadow finally appears from her time in hiding and tells the Bad Boy Squad what really happened to her.



English Subtitle



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