The second installment in a series of spin-off films based on Johnnie To’s award-winning 2003 police noir PTU, Tactical Unit – No Way Out continues to delve into the gray world of the uniformed officers who patrol the streets of Hong Kong. Produced by Johnnie To and directed by Lawrence Lau (My Name is Fame), this gritty police drama details the dangers and desperation faced by those on both sides of the law as night falls and cops and triad cross paths in the same sleepless streets. Franchise stars Simon Yam and Maggie Siu headline the film, along with usual suspects Lam Suet, Derek Tsang, Samuel Pang, and Otto Wong and Osman Hung of EO2. When a late-night triad dispute leads to the death of an innocent man, the police make a swift crackdown on all triad activities in the area, forcing small-time gangster Fai into a corner. After triad boss Lok beats him up for not paying back his debt, Fai turns to crime for survival, and ends up getting arrested by the PTU. Seeing no way out, the increasingly desperate Fai pays revenge on the cops and crooks who have driven him to the end of his rope.
Genre…………: Action – Crime
Distributor……: Universe
Movie Release….: 2009
Country……….: Hong Kong
Director……….: Lawrence Lau
Programs used….: DVD Decrypter
Video Bitrate….: 5.35 Mb/s
Screen Format….: Widescreen
Audio Language…: Cantonese
Subtitles……..: English
Running Time…..: 89 min
English Subtitle
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