Determined to look after his girlfriend if he dies on the operating table, the terminally ill Van Fan searches for a man who has exactly the same voice as he has to take his place.
Blue Lan, a reticent music video director, re-encounters old flame Annie Liu and realizes a car accident has erased her memories of their love.
Movie stuntman Ethan Ruan dashes out the door after a lover’s spat with his flight attendant girlfriend, Alice Tzeng.
Plain homebody Tracy Chou turns to a fortune-teller for love advice, who tells her she’ll meet six guys sporting bangs with the last being Mr Right.
Genre: Romance
Starring: Van Fan Yi Chen, Megan Lai Ya Yan, Blue Lan Zheng Long, Annie Liu Xin You, Alan Ke You Lun, Tammy Chen Yi Rong, Tseng Kai Xuan, Ethan Ruan Jing Tian,
Tracy Chou Cai Shi, Alec Su You Peng, Ken Chu Xiao Tian, Wang Zi, MoDi , Makiyo, Lu Yi Ching
Release year: 2009
Language: Mandarin
Subtitle: English
English Subtitle
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